In this WWII time-based movie, centered in Casablanca, everyone has a new conception of a passport: ESCAPE!! Putting these people in the danger zone of the German occupation (which was currently ripping through and tearing parts of Europe to shreds), they are all trying to get out to Lisbon and from there to America and into safety. Unfortunately, that is extremely difficult at this time, because of all the refugees trying to get out. For Rick (Humphrey Bogart), it wouldn't be hard at all, but when a German courier with top secret papers gets ambushed and killed, it becomes stressful. Then, when a former, but not forgotten, love interest shows up with her husband, it becomes a very interesting situation.
Humphrey Bogart:
A great Actor, who in this movie plays a laid-back businessman,
very unlike his portrayals in some of his other movies.
Ingrid Bergman:
Obviously the romantic type, plays her role very well.
Funny Video:
The Casablanca Cast:
Humphrey Bogart
Ingrid Burgman
Sidney Greenstreet
Peter Lorre
Claude Rains
S.K. Sakall
Humphrey Bogart was born on Christmas Day.
After shooting someone spoke against using "As Time Goes By" as the song identifying Rick and Ilsa, saying he would rather compose an original song in order to qualify for royalties. However, since the filming had ended, Ingrid Burgman had cut her hair very short for For Whom the bell tolls which was shooting at a distant location and she could not re-shoot already-completed scenes that had used "As Time Goes By".
The producer nearly made the character Sam a female.
(Sam) was a professional drummer who faked playing the piano.
"Rick's Café Américain" was modeled after Hotel El Minzah in Tangiers.
Many of the actors who played the Nazis were in fact German Jews who had escaped from Nazi Germany.
Rick never says "Play it again, Sam." He says: "You played it for her, you can play it for me. Play it!". Ilsa says "Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By"'
The movie's line "Here's looking at you, kid" was voted as the #5 movie quote by the American Film Institute
"Rick's Café Américain" was modeled after Hotel El Minzah in Tangiers.
Many of the actors who played the Nazis were in fact German Jews who had escaped from Nazi Germany.
Rick never says "Play it again, Sam." He says: "You played it for her, you can play it for me. Play it!". Ilsa says "Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By"'
The movie's line "Here's looking at you, kid" was voted as the #5 movie quote by the American Film Institute
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