Saturday, April 14, 2012

White Christmas

Paramount Pictures, (1954)  Color 120 Mins
This movie is a musical, comedy, romance, and a lot of fun. With Bing Crosby and his singing, Danny Kaye and his personality, Rosemary Clooney for her beautiful voice and face, and Vera Ellan for her wonderful dancing and acting. The story starts during World War II, soon after Phil Davis(Danny Kaye) saved his captain's,(Bing Crosby) life, they make a deal to try to become a duet once the war ends. They become famous and rich, and Bob Wallace(Bing) is forever paying Phil(Danny) back. Including giving in and going to Vermont with Betty and Judy(Rosemary and Vera).


Phil Davis: When what's left of you gets around to what's left to be gotten, what's left to be gotten won't be worth getting, whatever it is you've got left.
Bob Wallace: When I figure out what that means I'll come up with a crushing reply.

Bob Wallace: Oh, Phil, when are you going to learn that girls like that are a dime a dozen?
Phil Davis: Please, don't quote me the price when I haven't got the time.

[General Waverly has told the jeep driver to take the new Commanding General back to Headquarters via a short cut]
Joe, Adjutant Captain: [pointing after the departed jeep] That's not the way to Headquarters!
Gen. Thomas F. Waverly: Joe, *you* know that, and *I* know that, but the General doesn't! At least he won't for the next hour and a half.
Joe, Adjutant Captain: That sergeant will be a private in the morning.
Gen. Thomas F. Waverly: [wearily] Yes, isn't he lucky

Phil Davis: [describing his kind to Judy] I'm the 'I-don't-mind-pushing-my-best-friend-into-but-am-scared-stiff-if-I-get-anywhere-near-it' kind

Phil Davis: [about Bob's idea to help the General] I think it's ridiculous, impossible, and insane!
Bob Wallace: Anything else?
Phil Davis: Yes, I wish I'd thought of it first.


At the Inn when Judy is trying to convince Phil they should pretend to be engaged she has him cornered on the couch and we hear him say the words 'I feel the same way about my cocker spaniel.' His mouth says something else.

During the "Minstrel Show" number, the words go: "Oh, Mister Bones! That's terrible!... Ah, ha!... Yes, Mister Bones, that's terrible!... Oh, ho!" Watch Danny Kaye. He flubs the lip-sync and mixes up the "Oh, ho!" and the "Ah, ha!" Apparently, Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney noticed because, for a few seconds, it looks like they're trying not to laugh. But the pre-recorded soundtrack covers up any giggles that might have been happening.

The Haynes sisters go to bed in a drawing room, but wake up in berths. (Since two separate trains are shown, this may have been done to suggest a change of trains - however, none is mentioned, and the "A" drawing room door behind which the girls were seen at the start of the trip is directly behind Phil and Judy as they watch Bob help Betty out of her berth.)

A full orchestra can be seen in the orchestra pit at the beginning of the dress rehearsal for "The Minstrel Show" number. When the number is over, the orchestra has disappeared, even though they were playing just moments before.

The Columbia Inn Station Wagon that picks them up at the train station has a black and yellow California license plate when they are suppose to be in Vermont.

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