Saturday, July 23, 2016

Do Not Watch

I thought about it and since I'm behind in posting there is becoming quite the list of movies that I recommend against going to see or buying. So I thought I would make a Do Not Watch list. Like on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon.

So here we go:

Paul Blart 2
Please, if only for my sake do not go see this movie. Unless of course you are 10, or my dad, this movie will fall flat. I would have walked out after ten minutes if I wasn't with people. There were jokes and slapstick stupidity that were exact copies from the first movie, and then just regular stupidity.

No, never, nope, not gonna watch it, don't ever watch it. Why is such a horrible thing so popular?!

The Twilight series
No, just no.

The Divergent series
Any of them. Or you will want to see how it ends even though you hate it and its horrible. It's like a train wreck you know its horrible, but you can't help watching to see what happens.

It came out two years ago I think. It evens won awards and stuff.

Napoleon Dynamite
Nuff said

The Minority Report
The 2002 movie starring Tom Cruise. I actually liked the tv show.

TV Shows:

Fresh off the Boat
Has that show been renewed? It couldn't have been. It's to annoying and even the guy who's life story it is hates it. I can only say I am in agreement.

Kardashian anything.

Jersey Shore

The Bachelor

The Bachelorette

Apparently I've watched a lot of movies, and with that comes good ones and bad. There are a few classics that you might have heard of that you probably want to avoid.

If you're a Hitchcock fan you probably will like this movie, but if the typical thriller is to much for you this one is a little dark.

I haven't actually watched this movie in a few years all I can remember is that it is extremely overrated.

Gone with the Wind
Basically it is a 4 hour movie that is about this Southern bell who gives the South a bad name. I was obsessed with watching it until I did. Then I just wished I had my 4 hours back.

Obviously there are so many more that should be on this list. If you have any suggestions to add to the list, comment and let me know! I may do a Part 2! What movies are on your list?

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