Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fall Movie and TV Line-up

If you haven't seen the trailer for Ashby yet go look it up. I've actually never seen the story-line before. Original story, good job Hollywood. Anyway it stars Mickey Rourke and Nat Wolf. One classic actor and one relatively new yet already so popular. I can't wait to see it! Also there is a movie coming out soon called The Intern starring Robert De Niro.

I still haven't seen The Maze Runner even though its been a mission of mine. So I won't be seeing the sequel in theaters just yet.
 I am very excited to see Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. I'll probably watch Ant-Man at some point, just because.

 I just recently saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, since I heard bad things about it I waited until I could see it for free. Also Transformers: Age of Extinction. What exactly was so terrible about those movies again? I mean yeah they weren't great but they weren't that bad.

Of course later this year, actually it's coming up fast. Mockingjay Part 2!!! I went on opening day for the last one and got a lanyard and 3D-glasses and a gift card for the theater with Katniss on it and everything. Such a Fan-girl! Anyway Part 2 is coming out November 20th. Have you seen the trailers for that? I mean the proper trailers not the dramatic moving posters from earlier this year. Always check out the trailers.

There are lots of good movies on the docket. Also with fall coming also coming up is new TV seasons!!!! I'm so pumped for old favorites and hopefully some new ones.

Once Upon a Time and Agents of SHIELD a couple of my all time ABC faves coming back for their fifth and third seasons!
Also The Flash (CW) and Scorpion (CBS)  a couple of relatively new shows each starting their second seasons.
There a few with weird schedules like The 100 (CW) which is only about half the length of an ordinary shows season. You also have of course mid-season shows but that'll come later.

Last but not least, new shows!! Pilots are a good way to see if a show is worth your time. If it was eh, watch at least the next episode, it might get better. If you hated it, don't bother. If you loved it, revel in it, and enjoy your newest obsession! I'm hoping to find at least one winner this fall.

My list has five shows. Supergirl (CBS) is the one that looks the most promising. Its about Superman's cousin who is trying to use her powers and keep her day job.
There is also Heroes Reborn (NBC) , I've never seen the original series and I only heard about the reboot because of Robbie Kay. Who was in Once Upon a Time, so I'll give it a chance because I liked him in that.
Then we have two shows that have a little bit less wiggle room to impress.
 Minority Report which is supposed to be about 15 years after the events of the movie I think. (Which was absolute crap by the way.) So we'll see about that one.
 The other show is called Blindspot, I've seen countless commercials for this one, none were spectacular but it stars Jamie Alexander and looked moderately interesting so I'm giving it a shot.

I know I didn't get everything these aren't even all my favorites. If I missed something let me know.

 I hope that gave you some ideas of shows to watch this fall and movies to go see. It was quite the long post but when you don't post for a while things tend to pile up.

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