Monday, February 8, 2016


Interstellar is an extremely thought provoking visually spectacular movie. I is very popular and has won many awards.

Over all yes it was very visually stunning. Mind boggling, and depressing. Now that's only at first. The depression wears off eventually. In my opinion the movie should come with a warning label. Anyway!

It starts off with Matt (I'm going to call him Matt because I forgot his character's name) on earth. Basically everything is dying people, plants everything. A secret science organization (NASA) recruits Matt to go into space to try and find a new world to live on. He agrees eventually knowing he may never come back and see his daughter again. He and three other scientists go through a distant wormhole that NASA sent scientists in a long time ago to test any habitable planets found on the other side. Three have been responding positively. Unfortunately things don't go to plan. They lose about twenty years, they lose a crew member. One of the scientist/explorers goes homicidal and Matt discovers a secret to Earth's salvation in another dimension. After sacrificing himself to help Ann Hathaway get to the planet with her former boyfriend on it.

 I've never been a fan of either Matthew McConaughey or Ann Hathaway. This is actually the first movie I've ever seen him in. It was very good once you stop thinking about it. It almost made me have an existential crisis, to say the least. If your into Sy-Fy, apocalyptic, contemplating your own mortality go watch it. You might enjoy it.

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